Terms and Conditions & Disclaimer

Effective date: September 5, 2024


Hi! Thank you for stopping by Hey Momma Wellness!

A few things real quick …

First off, CamOyler.com and Hey Momma Wellness is an educational health and fitness brand. Information herein is not meant to diagnose or treat illness or injury using food or exercise. All information is shared based on personal experience and years of clinical experience with training clients. Hey Momma is not a nutritional care services company, and all information is used and shared at your own risk.

What is presented here is my point of view. Yours may differ, and that’s absolutely fine; you always need to listen to your own body and do what’s right for you. Hey Momma cannot be held liable for any losses, injuries, or damages that may occur due to the choices you make based on the information presented on this site. Be smart, be safe.

Next, understand that I have vetted any products or programs I promote on my site. I only promote things that I know can help you. Sometimes I receive an affiliate commission, and other times I don’t. Regardless, you can trust me 100% to never send you to any gimmicks or scammy sites. You have my promise.

Finally, all written, video, audio, and image content on this website is the intellectual property of Cam Oyler aka Cam Allen and Hey Momma Wellness. Not only is it in completely bad taste to take any of this content and pawn it off as your own without giving credit, but it’s actually illegal. Plagiarism is not cool. And if you are a fitness professional trying to make a name for yourself in the industry, I know it can be tempting to grab someone else’s stuff. But trust me when I tell you it’s a terrible business idea that will always come back to bite you and burn bridges. Besides, you’ll always have to be one step behind the person creating the original stuff.

I absolutely will not hesitate to take legal action against someone who takes my content verbatim and uses it as their own.

If you have any questions, you can always get me at [email protected].

Xo, Cam